Sitemap X
Distribution Panel Digital Power Meter
Smart Distribution Panel Digital Power
Meter/Power Measuring Module

Accura 2500/2550
· Digital Input/Output module
  Accura 2550DCM
  Accura 2550GW[M]
  Accura 2550TEMP
  Accura 2550VOL
  Accura 2550IO
Distribution Panel Digital Power
Meter/Power Measuring Module

Accura 2300/2350
Accura 2300S/2350
· Digital Input/Output module
  Accura 2350-DO
  Accura 2350-VDC
  Accura 2350-IDC
  Accura 2350-GAS
  Accura 2350-TEMPS
  Accura 2350-DCM
  Accura 2350-GW
Data Center Distribution Panel Digital
Power Meter/Single phase Three
Feeder Power Measuring Module

Accura 2300S/2350-1P3FSC
Stand-alone Gas module
Accura MD-GAS
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CEO Greetings
CEO Greetings
CEO Greetings
We will continue to grow and innovate by best serving
the needs of our customers and seeking not only
betterment, but also differentiation of our products
and services.
"Rootech is a company to realize energy solutions for human and nature"
We aim to grow into one of the world's best companies based on our state-of-the-art technologies in the digital power instrumentation and control area.To accomplish that goal, we have run our business with three core strategies.
Technology-centered Business Management
We implement technology-centered business
management in order to gain a competitive edge in the
global market.
Robust, Collaborative Decision Making and Execution
Prior to making decisions, we actively have discussions
and share ideas regardless of rank or position in a
horizontal organizational structure. After making
decisions, we strive to effectively execute those decisions
in a vertical organizational structure to maximize business
performance through synergy between employees.
Principle-centered Business Management
We implement principle-centered business management
that enables all employees to grow together and to share
social responsibilities.