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Distribution Panel Digital Power Meter
Smart Distribution Panel Digital Power
Meter/Power Measuring Module

Accura 2500/2550
· Digital Input/Output module
  Accura 2550DCM
  Accura 2550GW[M]
  Accura 2550TEMP
  Accura 2550VOL
  Accura 2550IO
Distribution Panel Digital Power
Meter/Power Measuring Module

Accura 2300/2350
Accura 2300S/2350
· Digital Input/Output module
  Accura 2350-DO
  Accura 2350-VDC
  Accura 2350-IDC
  Accura 2350-GAS
  Accura 2350-TEMPS
  Accura 2350-DCM
  Accura 2350-GW
Data Center Distribution Panel Digital
Power Meter/Single phase Three
Feeder Power Measuring Module

Accura 2300S/2350-1P3FSC
Stand-alone Gas module
Accura MD-GAS
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Distribution Panel Digital Power Meter
Smart Distribution Panel Digital Power Meter/ Power Measuring Module

Accura 2500

Accura 2550CM[Z]-3P

Accura 2550CM[D/Z]-1P
Accura 2500/2550
¡¤ Voltage, current, and power measurements in AC/DC distribution panels
¡¤ Leakage current measurement with the built-in ZCT
¡¤ A variety of power quality data, including Dip(Sag)/Swell, PQ Curve available
¡¤ Class 0.5 Accuracy as per IEC 61557-12
¡¤ Max/Min/Average values available within the aggregation interval
¡¤ Proven Safety and Reliability with CE/UL/KC Certifications
¡¤ Compatible with MCCBs with various ratings / compact Size
¡¤ Through-hole type structure for easier and safer installation
¡¤ Integrated HMI module with the 5¡± Color TFT LCD screen with touch panel
¡¤ Integrated or separate installation of the Integrated module and the Integrated HMI module
Input/Output Module
Accura 2550DCM
¡¤ DC Voltage Measurement:
Maximum 60 V, Minimum 0.5 V
Maximum 550 V, Minimum 5 V
¡¤ DC Current Measurement: Maximum 100 A, Minimum 0.08A
¡¤ DC Power/Energy Measurement
¡¤ Accura 2550DCM detects over/under voltage and current events based on measured DC voltage/current values.
¡¤ Digital outputs can be configured to operate when events occur.
Accura 2550GW[M]
¡¤ Accura 2550GW[M] modules collect data from peripheral devices supporting RS-485 communication and transmit the collected data to Accura 2500 device.
¡¤ With one or four RS-485 communication ports, Accura 2550GW[M] can collect up to 60 data items from devices using different communication protocols.
¡¤ It is possible to set a timeout period for a response packet.
¡¤ It is possible to set a delay time between the completion of data collection and the start of the next data collection.
Accura 2550TEMP
¡¤ The module measures the internal and
  external temperatures of distribution/
 switchgear panels
¡¤ It can be connected to up to 6 Accura
  TSEN devices(with the internal
  temperature sensor)using the
 communication cable up to 100 m long.
¡¤ The module supports 1 digital input channel and 1 digital output channel.
Accura 2550VOL
¡¤ Support for Power Systems Consisting of Mixed Power Supplies
¡¤ A Variety of Power Quality Data, including Dip(Sag)/Swell and PQ Curve Available
¡¤ Accurate Leakage Current Measurement Data Available
¡¤ Max/Min/Average Values Available in Each Aggregation Interval
¡¤ Class 0.5 Accuracy as per IEC 61557-12 for Voltage, Current, Active Power, and Active Energy
Distribution Panel Digital Power Meter/ Power Measuring Module

Accura 2300

Accura 2350-3P

Accura 2350-1P
Accura 2300/2350
¡¤ Accurate Measurements: ¡¾0.2/¡¾0.5 % of
  Reading (Voltage/Current) and Class 0.5S/
  Class 0.2S (Active Energy)
¡¤ Proven Safety and Reliability with
  CE/UL/KC Certifications
¡¤ THD, TDD, maximum/minimum
¡¤ Dip(Sag)/swell event
¡¤ Bridge Ethernet 2 ports

Accura 2300S

Accura 2350-3P

Accura 2350-1P
Accura 2300S/2350
¡¤ Accurate Measurements: ¡¾0.2/¡¾0.5 % of
  Reading (Voltage/Current) and Class 0.5S/
  Class 0.2S (Active Energy)
¡¤ Proven Safety and Reliability with
  CE/UL/KC Certifications
¡¤ THD, TDD, maximum/minimum
¡¤ Dip(Sag)/swell event
¡¤ Ethernet 2 ports(Ethernet switching)
¡¤ RS-485 1 port
¡¤ Mounting(ANSI 4", DIN96)
Input/Output Module
Accura 2350-DCM
¡¤ DC Voltage measurement: 12 to 55V when the DCM-50V- 80A model operates alone
0 to 55V when the DCM-50V- 80A model operates with Accura2300[S]
0 to 550V when the DCM-500V- 80A model operates with Accura 2300[S]
DC current measurement: 0 to 100A when the DCM-80A model operates.
¡¤ DC Current measurement: DC 0 to 100A Measurement
¡¤ DC power measurement
¡¤ Over/Under voltage or current events occur for measured DC voltage/current values.
¡¤ When events occur, alarms can be generated through digital outputs.
¡¤ 5 event channels are supported.
Accura 2350-GW
¡¤ Collects data from peripheral devices supporting RS-485 communication and transmits data to Accura 2300S(Accura 2300)
Accura 2350-TEMP
¡¤ Accura 2350-TEMP module measures the internal and external temperatures of distribution/switchgear panels.
¡¤ An event occurs when the internal/external temperature or the temperature difference rises above the set threshold.
¡¤ When an event occurs in Accura 2350-TEMP module, the EVENT LED on the front of the module blinks.
¡¤ When an event occurs in Accura TSEN device, the Red LED on the front of the device blinks.(The Green LED is on during normal operation)
¡¤ Internal temperature events are reset with the RESET button on Accura TSEN.
¡¤ Up to 6 Accura TSEN devices(with the internal temperature sensor) can be connected with the communication cable up to 100 m long.
¡¤ The module supports 1 digital input channel and 1 digital output channel.
Accura 2350-TEMPS
¡¤ Accura 2350-TEMPS module measures the internal and external temperatures of distribution/switchgear panels.
¡¤ An event occurs when the internal/external temperature rises above the set threshold.
¡¤ An event occurs when the difference between internal and external temperatures rises above the set threshold.
¡¤ The Red LED blinks when an event occurs.(the Green LED is on during normal operation)
Accura 2350-GAS
¡¤ TGS 813 gas sensor for detecting combustible gas[Tin dioxide(SnO2) Semiconductor]
¡¤ High-sensitivity measurement of various combustible gases, including methane, propane, and butane
¡¤ An "Over" event occurs when gas concentration rises above the threshold value.
¡¤ LED blinks when an event occurs.
Accura 2350-DO
¡¤ 8 digital output channels
¡¤ Remote control of digital outputs
¡¤ When an On command is issued to a DO channel, the LED connected to the DO lights up.
Accura 2350-VDC
¡¤ DC voltage[-50V ~ 50V]: 8-channel differential inputs, non-isolated between channels
¡¤ Isolated between modules, AC 3,000V for one minute
¡¤ An "Over" event occurs when DC voltage rises above the set threshold value.
¡¤ An "Under" event occurs when DC voltage drops below the set threshold value.
Accura 2350-IDC
¡¤ DC current measurement[-20mA ~ 20mA]: 8-channel differential inputs,non-isolated between channels
¡¤ Isolated between modules, AC 3,000V for one minute
¡¤ An "Over" event occurs when the current rises above the set threshold value.
¡¤ An "Under" event occurs when the current drops below the set threshold value.
Data Center Distribution Panel Digital Power Meter/Single Phase Three Feeder Power Measuring Module

Accura 2300S

Accura 2350-1P3FSC
Accura 2300S/2350-1P3FSC
¡¤ Accurate Measurements: ¡¾0.2/¡¾0.5 % of
Reading (Voltage/Current) and Class 0.5S/
Class 0.2S (Active Energy)
¡¤ Proven Safety and Reliability
with CE/UL/KC Certifications
¡¤ Single Phase Three Feeder Power Measurment, demand
¡¤ Dip(Sag), Swell event
¡¤ Ethernet 2 ports(Ethernet switching)
¡¤ RS-485 1port
¡¤ Mounting(ANSI 4", DIN96)
Standalone Input/Output Module
Accura MD-GAS
¡¤ TGS813 gas sensor for the detection of combustible gas[tin dioxide(SnO2) semiconductor]
¡¤ High-sensitivity measurement of various combustible gases, including methane, propane, and butane
¡¤ An "Over" event occurs when the concentration of gases rises above the threshold value.
¡¤ When an event occurs, an On command is issued to a DO(Digital Output) channel, and the LED connected to the DO blinks.
Motor Management System
Digital Power Meter
Digital Power Quality Meter
Digital Integrated Protection Relay